Website Help/Forgotten Password

Forget Your Password?

     If you've lost or can't remember your password, select "Please log in" at the top right of the website homepage.  Select "Forgot password?". Enter your email address. We will send you an email message that will instruct you to reset your password.

Below you will find general information about accessing and maintaining your website account. All of these member settings can be located in the "Account" menu located at the top right of the website homepage. If you're logged in, just click on your name to see the menu. If you have additional questions about the website, please use  the "contact us" link, and select recipient Webmaster.

Change Your Password

     To change your account password, go to the Member Settings page. You must be logged in to
     access this page. Go to the Password tab, type your New Password, and select Save.

Update or Complete Your Account Information

     To change your account information, go to the Member Settings page. You must be logged in to
     access this page, where you can set your name, contact information, profile photo, bio, social
     links, and more.


Change Your Password

     To change your account password, go to the Member Settings page. You must be logged in to access
     this page. Go to the Password tab, type your New Password, and select Save.

Update Your Contact Preferences

     Want to make sure you receive official messages, alerts, and notification of new forum topics?
     On the Member Settings page, go to the Contact tab and set the options for the email you'd like to
     receive. We recommend the settings shown here. Save your selections.


Update Your Privacy Settings

     To exclude your contact information from the community directory, go to the Member Settings
     page. On the Privacy tab, adjust the settings to hide your contact information or modify how
     it appears on official board and committee listings. Don't forget to select Save.


Add/Update Household Member Information

     To add or update information about your household, go to the Account Settings page. You can
     change  the address and home phone number of your property(/ies) in the community. You
     can also identify additional adult members and list children, pets, or other residents in your
